Tuesday, April 7, 2009



Some music is a piping hot stew of truth and soul that can be very potent to those who have acquired the taste and the fumes of which are repulsive to the desensitized masses who care not to take a taste. It is a combination of time and sound, sure, but it has very little in common with much music you hear while walking through life.

This music, besides preforming whatever function the listener intends it to perform, and besides acting as a gaping illuminated gateway (metaphorically speaking) to nameless emotions and inspirations, somehow art-ic-u-lates the inexpressible ecstaticities of being. The album above is one example of the level of communication that can be achieved when pretense and expectation are erased and things like style and genre are relative to the music, as opposed to music that is a product of its style or genre.

On the shores of actuality you will find ample company. There is much amusement along the boardwalk in the carnival of human folly, and there many hollow conversations to be had. People like to talk about other people, places, things, and, most of all, the past. This can aggravate me and I sometimes have the urge to ship off and try my luck in the ocean of unforeseen happenings.

I sometimes do not enjoy living according to the unspoken code of moral and public decency. Music is the most dangerous, most beneficial, cheapest, most expensive, weakest, most powerful and most addictive drug there is.

My heroes dance on tightropes over this convulsing mess we call society and the media (and more importantly the ugly flowers that bloom from their influence) and the music they create transcends from its sublime origin to the ears of us hopeful land lubbers. We get a little higher the more we listen.

What do you wish and where do you go? Who are you? Where are you from, will you tell me your name? Rest awhile, call me your friend. Please stay with me I’d like to help.


lime said...

hey there.

what happened to the MAGIC LANTERN/ SUN ARAW review?
I was looking for the download link and poof. it disappeared.

aluminum croon said...

yeah i looked today and it was gone! "wtf". well it's back, baby.

aluminum croon said...

btw, you should start with Sun Araw